About Me

Hi, I'm Jared! I'm a software engineer currently looking for work.

I've built full-stack web applications from the ground up, won hackathons, and reached thousands of users with my software. Scroll down!

Professional Experience


University of Pittsburgh Logo

University of Pittsburgh

BS in Computer Science

Summa Cum Laude, Spring 2024

  • Competed in 6 hackathons and competitions, winning 4 awards.
  • 4.0 GPA on all courses taken in University.
  • Python, Java, R, Javascript, C, C++, Matlab, Rust, Max/MSP, WebGL.

Other Interests


Programming has always been my biggest hobby, but I also have other passions! I love making music, rock climbing, and running.

Cool! Now what?

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me! I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out on my contact page to send a message or schedule a call!